Autumn Wilson
Autumn is a Montessori primary guide and a family yoga teacher. She received her BA in Theatre and French Language and Literature from the University of Maryland, her AMI Montessori primary certification from the Institut Supérieur Maria Montessori in Paris, France, and her NAMTA/AMI Orientation to Adolescent Studies in Golden, CO. After spending 10 years sharing yoga with pre- and post-natal mothers, babies, children, and families and learning about Montessori through her own children’s school experience, Autumn became an AMI primary guide in 2012. Since then, she has worked in both public charter and private Montessori schools in the DC area. Autumn is a fluent French speaker, a conversational Spanish speaker, and a dedicated Montessorian. She lives in Washington, DC with her husband, 4 children, 2 dogs, and 4 chickens.
Deanne Wayt
Deanne is a bilingual speech-language pathologist. She received her Bachelor’s degree in French Language and Literature from Wittenberg University and her Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology from The George Washington University. Deanne is also certified in The Hanen Centre’s “It Takes Two to Talk” and “More than Words” programs for parents. After her clinical fellowship, Deanne spent 15 months treating both pediatric and adult clients in Santiago, Chile. Since returning to the United States, Deanne has worked with culturally and linguistically diverse pediatric populations in clinical, early intervention, and school-based settings. She is a fluent Spanish speaker, a conversational French speaker, and a passionate advocate for culturally and linguistically responsive services, heritage language supports and programs, and dual-language education. She lives in Southern California with her husband and rescue “perrhija”, Magda.